Icinga SMS notifications – integration manual

Here we describe how to setup Icinga with SMSEagle for SMS notifications. It should take you about 5 min to have it up and running.
This tutorial is also available on: Nagios Exchange website

SMSEagle Setup

  1. Create a new user for this script in SMSEagle webGUI > menu Users.
  2. When the user is saved, edit its properties and under API Access token:
    a) check Enable token
    b) click Generate new token
    This will generate a new API access token for your SMSEagle. The API token will be referenced below as SMSEAGLEAPITOKEN. Replace SMSEAGLEAPITOKEN in script below with your value.

Icinga Setup

1. Download latest version of the script notify_eagle_sms.pl from our repository: https://bitbucket.org/proximus/smseagle-nagios
Place the plugin in your Icinga plugins directory.

2. Create the SMS notification commands (commonly found in file commands.cfg).
Replace SMSEAGLEURL with URL Address of your SMSEagle device (for example:
Replace SMSEAGLEAPITOKEN with your API token for your SMSEagle (for example: NZg2yNmWYb5Q7I3Y3Ifnk5E)

Define two commands:

define command { 
command_name notify-by-sms 

define command { 
command_name host-notify-by-sms 

3. In your Icinga contacts (commonly found in file contacts.cfg) add the contact. Field “pager” should contain a mobile number for sms alerts in full international format without leading + sign, for example: 48xxxxxxxxx (if your mobile operator requires + sign in a telephone number put 00 instead)

define contact { 
contact_name engineer 
alias Support Engineer 
service_notification_period 24x7 
host_notification_period 24x7 
service_notification_options w,u,c,r 
host_notification_options d,u,r 
service_notification_commands notify-by-email,notify-by-sms 
host_notification_commands host-notify-by-email,host-notify-by-sms 
email engineer@somedomain.com 
pager 48xxxxxxxx 

Icinga Setup (alternative method)

On Icinga Exchange you can also find a package of scripts than can be used to communicate with SMSEagle:

  • notify_smseagle – sends SMS via an SMSEagle device
  • check_smseagle – checks the GSM/3G/4G signal strength
  • smseagle_ack.cgi – script for the “callback url” function of an SMSEagle device. It parses incoming SMSs and acknowledges host/service problems if an SMS requests that.