Schneider EcoStruxure SMS notifications & alarms – integration manual

Here we describe how to use SMSEagle Hardware SMS Gateway with Schneider EcoStruxure Building Operation (EBO) for sending SMS notifications & alarms.

SMSEagle is an offline hardware SMS gateway. Therefore no external connection to 3rd party system is required. All notifications are generated on-premise and sent directly to a cellular network. This solution can be used in secure installations without Internet access.

Setup is easy and should take 10-15min to complete.

SMSEagle Setup

This integration will use Email To SMS plugin (see details: Email To SMS plugin). This plugin is included in each version of SMSEagle device.

  • Enable Email To SMS plugin in SMSEagle web-gui


Schneider EcoStruxure Setup

  1. Login to EcoStruxure Workstation
  2. Make sure you have a SMTP server alredy configured under “System Tree” > „Server” > „Properties” >”Email„.
    If you don’t have SMTP server configured, you may use SMSEagle as SMTP server (see notes below). In such case use the following configuration:
    a. In „General Email Settings” > „Sender email” set value: noreply@localhost
    b. In „Primary Email Server Settings” > „Primary host” set value: IP address of your SMSEagle device
    c. In „Primary Email Server Settings” > „Primary encryption method” set value: None (alternatively you can choose TLS for better encryption)
    c. In „Primary Email Server Settings” > „Primary port” set value: 25


  3. In “System Tree” create a folder “Notification
  4. Create new Email notification:

a. In the folder use the context menu to choose “New” > “Notification” > „Alarm Triggered Notification„.  Enter a name, for example „SMS Alarms” and click „Next„.
b. Scroll down to the bottom of the window to section „Distribution method„. Add new method with „+” button. In the window enter a name for the Distribution method (for example „Email2SMS”) and click „Next„. Configure „To email address” in the following form:

PHONE_NUMBER is a destination phone number
IP_ADDRESS_OF_SMSEAGLE is the IP address of your device
For example: 123456789@
NAME_IN_PHONEBOOK is a username or group name (must be a public group) from SMSEagle’s phonebook
IP_ADDRESS_OF_SMSEAGLE is the IP address of your device.
For example: db-admins@

Click „Create” to create and save the distribution method.

c. In the section „Filter settings” > „Notify transition to” > check „Alarm state” checkbox . Add any other Filters if needed. If no Filters or conditions are added, all alarms will be sent as SMS.
d. Click „Create” button to create and save the Notification object.

5. Test the integration by triggering an alarm in EcoStruxure.


SMSEagle as SMTP Server (optional)

As described in point 2 above, for sending e-mail messages you can use SMTP server installed on the SMSEagle device. In this scenario your email from Schneider EcoStruxure will be directly sent to SMSEagle (without using any external email servers). SMTP server on the SMSEagle device will accept messages addressed for it only. The other messages will be rejected.

Have Questions?

SMSEagle devices are designed for easy setup. If you don't have a device yet, just buy your SMSEagle and get started with your integration. If you need technical assistance or have questions about our products, we’ll be happy to help you.