NXS-97xx hardware Rev.2 Support End of Life (EOL)

We would like to inform you that effective January 1st, 2026 we will permanently discontinue support of NXS-9700 hardware Rev.2 and NXS-9750 hardware Rev.2 devices. After the date, those hardware models will be officially no longer supported via our Support Center and software updates will be no longer released.

Dear Valued Customers,

We would like to inform you that effective January 1st, 2026 we will permanently discontinue support of NXS-9700 hardware Rev.2 and NXS-9750 hardware Rev.2 devices. After the date, those hardware models will be officially no longer supported via our Support Center and software updates will be no longer released. The support for the product is being discontinued due to shifts in technology, shortage of electronic components and limited OS support. The NXS-97xx Rev.2 was already replaced by its successors NXS-97xx hardware Rev.3 – Rev.4. Newer technology provides more productivity and greater efficiency in the same applications as the older product. Newer products are fully compatible with older ones in terms of software applications. We encourage you to learn more about NXS-97xx line of devices here: https://www.smseagle.eu/store/en/12-devices

Affected products: NXS-9700-3G Rev.2, NXS-9750-3G Rev.2
S/N (MAC address): 
starts with 78:A7:14:55…
Continued support until date:  31.12.2025
Recommended replacement product:  NXS-9700-4G Rev.4, NXS-9750-4G Rev.4
Replacement available:  Now

We sincerely appreciate your support and regret any inconvenience this necessary action causes you.

Management Team

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