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Zabbix SMS & voice alerts - integration manual

Here we describe how to use SMSEagle for Zabbix SMS & text-to-speech call alerts. The configuration is very straightforward – it should take you about 5 min to have it up and running.

SMSEagle is an offline hardware SMS gateway. Therefore no external connection to 3rd party system is required. All notifications are generated on-premise and sent directly to a cellular network. This solution can be used in secure installations without Internet access.

SMSEagle Setup

  • Create a new user in SMSEagle (menu Users > + Add Users, user access level: “User”).
  • Grant API access to the created user:
    • click Access to API beside the newly created user
    • Enable APIv2
    • Generate new token
    • For text messages, add access permissions in section Messages for: Send SMS, Send MMS.
    • For voice alerting, add access permissions in section Calls for: Make a ring call, Make a TTS call, Make a TTS Advanced call.
    • Save settings

Zabbix Setup

The configuration consists of a media type in Zabbix, which will invoke the webhook to send alerts to SMSEagle device through the Rest API.

  1. In the Administration > Media types section, import the media_smseagle.yaml.
  2. Open the newly added SMSEagle media type and replace all <PLACEHOLDERS> with your values.
    The following parameters are required:

    access_token – API access token created in SMSEagle
    url – actual URL of your SMSEagle device (for example: or https://sms.mycompany.com)
    – type(s) of message(s) to send. Possible values: sms, mms, tts and tts_adv, respectively for SMS, MMS, TTS Call (text-to-speech call) and Advanced TTS Call.
    Allows multiple types, separated by commas (e.g. „sms,tts_adv”).

Other required parameters are message type specific. More information can be found on our APIv2 page.

3. in the Administration > Users click on a User, and add a new media called SMSEagle. Enter SMS recipient. Available recipient formats:

  • Phone number: phone_number
  • Contact in SMSEagle Phonebook: contact_name:c
  • Group in SMSEagle Phonebook:group_name:g

Multiple recipients can be separated by comma.

For more information, please see Zabbix documentation.

Zabbix Template (Optional)

If you would like to add a ready-to-use Zabbix template for monitoring your SMSEagle device in Zabbix:

  1. Download the yaml template file from the repository: https://bitbucket.org/proximus/smseagle-zabbix-v2/downloads/
  2. Import the template file to Zabbix:  menu Configuration > Templates > Import.
  3. Assign the template to your device in Zabbix.

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SMS Gateway?

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SMSEagle is a hardware & software solution that guarantees a swift delivery of your messages to designated recipients, whether it’s for notifications, alerts, or important updates.

After registering to a demo you get a remote access to our physical device NXS-9750.

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