Opsview SMS notifications – integration manual

Here we describe how to setup Opsview with SMSEagle for SMS notifications. It should take you about 5 min to have it up and running.
Following manual is based on Opsview manual – Adding / Writing Your Own Notification Method

SMSEagle is an offline hardware SMS gateway. Therefore no external connection to 3rd party system is required. All notifications are generated on-premise and sent directly to a cellular network. This solution can be used in secure installations without Internet access.

SMSEagle Setup

Create a new user for this script in SMSEagle. This user will be referenced below as: SMSEAGLEUSER and SMSEAGLEPASSWORD

Opsview Setup

1. Download latest version of the script notify_opsview_smseagle.sh from our repository: https://bitbucket.org/proximus/smseagle-opsview
Place the script in your Opsview plugins directory (by default: /usr/local/nagios/libexec/notifications). Make sure it is executable and owned by nagios user.

2. Edit script content:
### SMSEagle SETUP - please remember to change that settings

Replace SMSEAGLEIP, SMSEAGLEUSER, SMSEAGLEPASSWORD in script with your values.

3. Create the SMS notification method:
– Go to Settings -> Notification methods -> Add new


  • Name: add name for new method
  • Make it active
  • Command: put notify_opsview_smseagle.sh
  • User variables: Here you have to pass a variable with destination number, fe. PAGER, OPSVIEW_CONTACTPAGER or NAGIOS_CONTACTPAGER
  • Submit changes.
  • Each User will have to select this Notification Method to one of their Notification Profiles.
  • Test Cause a failure to test that the notification is sent. After a few seconds, you should receive an SMS.
  • Reload Opsview to make the changes live.

Have Questions?

SMSEagle devices are designed for easy setup. If you don't have a device yet, just buy your SMSEagle and get started with your integration. If you need technical assistance or have questions about our products, we’ll be happy to help you.